The story I am about to tell is real. The events are real. The people and canine are real. Let me begin...
I have just pulled out onto this side road from where I park at work. As I am about to make a left hand turn onto a main road, I see this large black lab coming up the other side of the street. I watch him cross the main road at his leisure as cars are screeching to a halt in order to not hit him. He goes on his way with little distraction.
At this point I am having the following internal conversation, "Meghan, just go on your way. He will make his way back to where he needs to go.
Meghan, DON'T JUST LET HIM LEAVE! He is wearing a collar, go look to see if a number is listed." .... you get the idea.
So, what do I do?! Well I pull over and stop, of course.
So I call this sweet large black lab over and try calling the number on his collar.
Line is disconnected. Suck!
I see a cop in the parking lot next to where I am standing. I call over to the cop and walk over there with my new friend.
I ask the officer for the number to Animal Control. He gives me the number and kindly holds the dog while I am man-handling my skirt, so it can stay below my waist instead of flashing everyone my white long undies, and with my other hand I can hold my phone.
Animal control answers...(the following conversation ACTUALLY took place)
A.C-"Animal control, this is (insert name of loser A.C person)."
Me-"Hi, my name is Meghan and I found a very large male lab along the side of the road. I tried calling the number listed but its disconnected."
A.C-"Does he have tags?" ...(short term memory must not work too well.
Me- "ummm, yup. Remember? That's how I knew to call and the line is disconnected."
...series of questions that are not going to provide much entertainment proceed....
A.C" Well I have the address to the owners. You can take him there. Do you have a pen?"
Well dang it, I left my third arm at home today so between me holding my skirt so this poor office doesn't get the peek of the holy G's and holding the phone, I am all out of arms.
Looking at the police office- "uh, you got a pen?"
So the community protector pulls out his flip pad and writes down all the information Mr. loser has to offer. Including the disconnected phone number I had already repeated to him twice to prove that the number we both have is the same and is DISCONNECTED!!
So I hang up with the waste of a human brain, and ask the police offer to kindly follow me to this house cause I am not ending up on Unsolved Mysteries for my kind service to return Man's Best Friend.
So I load up the big CHUANCHO into my car and follow the Officer a down the road. We pull up to this house.
Its like a house from a slasher movie. No one is home.
So the officer asks me to wait down by my car while he scoped the place out and calls dispatch to see if they have a number attached to the residence.
Unfortunately, no one is home. No number can be found. And 20 minutes go past.
So I finally decide to just take this poor lonely buster to the pound.
By this time its about 6:50pm.
I call animal control to let them now I am bringing the Mister in.
He (yes, its the same lame-o from before), gives me directions, with a special thanks to Officer Ganza, I load the hunkster into my little car and begin driving north bound.
Its approximately 7:10pm
I am lost...
I call Animal Control hoping Mr. Friendly can give me real directions this time.
uhhh, "hi, I am on my way to bring you guys a dog I found and I am lost"
Dispatch-"Animal Control closed at 7. You will have to bring the dog in tomorrow morning".
"I JUST called. He didn't say anything about closing. What am I suppose to do?! I can't bring him home with me and will not let him go on his own."
"Sorry ma'am.Those are your options. We can send a unit but no garauntee that they will make it tonight."
"Well, why would I ask for that then? Well your situation is really crappy and I hope you know that!"
hang up...
Drats. The big buster is sitting in my back seat and I dont know what to do.
So, naturally, I decide to return to the crypt creepers house to see if they are home yet.
Still no answer. So as I sit there I begin to think of what my options are and to be honest, I just dont like them.
So I decide I will leave big pappa on the front porch in hopes that his owners will come home. But how do I make him stay on the front porch??
I begin to think of ways to fashion a leash of sorts to tie him up. I have only one option. And I am pretty sure that McGyver himself would have been proud of my quick skills. I rip out the shoe laces on my running shoes and tie them together.
I take Bubba up to the front door and tie the laces around his collar and onto the door.
My hope is that his hulk-like strength did not break through.
I left a note letting the neglectful owners know what a kind citizen I was. :)
I hope that hunk-of-love had owners that were happy to see him when they came home.
Thats it. I came home. I now have my little seeester of a pup sleeping next to me. I love dogs. Makes me sad to see ones lost. I hope I tied Spencer to his rightful owners door.
Anna's Birthday!
12 years ago