Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Yes, please.

When I think about what type of mother I want to be to my little girl ... this is pretty high on the list.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Times They Are-A Changin'

Well if you know John and I, you know that we live a very boring, never-changing life. ... and if you REALLY know John and I, you know that is a complete lie. I laugh because we have made some of the BIGGEST life-altering changes in groups. Not one at a time like most normal {mentally stable} people do.

For example:
May 2009: I graduated College (working 50+ hours during the school year) and got married two weeks later... one week later John and I moved to Tucson, AZ.

May 2010: We bought a house one year later...

January 2011: I go back to school (not that I wasn't busy enough) and John is still working on completing his!

... anyways, you get the idea. So yes, the blog goes un-updated, emails are slow to be responded to, phone calls aren't always answered, but yeah know what?! That's our life.

And to make this life even more exciting... we have decided to add ONE more change. Luckily this change will make it's very anticipated appearance in late February/early March.

Yup, I am 12 weeks in and only 28 more to go!!

We are very excited and a little nervous... but ready or not HERE she (or he... which John is 'willing' it to be) comes.

The Powells {2.5}

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things on my brain...

Summer Vacation- I miss you. I miss having a break.

Family- I miss you. I miss having time to see you.

Friends- I miss you. I miss having time to see you as well (even my friends at work that I bail on).

Winter (AKA- below 90 degree temps)- I miss you. I miss having to think "will this make me sweat walking into work in the morning" when I put something on.

Sleep- I miss you. The headache that has lived behind my right eye for the last three days has kept me from you. I do hope for a reunion soon.

On to less missing and more happy...

Did you know that I have a nephew (another one!!) that is due in just a few days. I will be making a trip to NJ to see him and his big brother at the end of the month! YAHOO.

Did you know that I have a rockin' husband who works on making our yard BEAUTIFUL so that in the mornings I can sit on a little chair and enjoy the sunrise (it is the only time it isn't hot outside). I try to do it on most mornings... really, its to let Rebel out to go potty but I like to think I am getting in touch with my "hello, mother nature" side.

Did you know that I LOVE reading and haven't really read anything lately and it is putting me in a bad mood. Isn't that pathetic?! But seriously, good books make me happy. No books (or crappy ones) don't.

Did you know that I am secretly obsessed with craigslist even though I never see anything on there that I want to buy. Or the things I want to buy are being sold for $$$$$ because the owner is mentally retarded (sorry Sarah Palin- don't get mad at me) and thinks that it should be sold at the same price they bought it for. It is USED people. You aren't going to get all your money back. Get over it!

Lastly, Did you know that I had a dream the other night that I was invited to a dinner with Kate Middleton and her husband, Prince William. We were best friends. Eating at some fancy Cafe in England. I woke up sad... and laughed. :)