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Monday, October 26, 2009

Close Encounter

As many of you know, John and I moved to Tucson, Arizona a little over 4 months ago. Its been a great move for the two of us and has provided lots of interesting moments.
Tucson definitely is not on short supply when it comes to wildlife. In fact, I would say that I probably attract more wildlife than any other person living in this city!
I have experienced 30+ scorpions in my apartment, snakes of all kinds while I am running or biking, and now for my second time seen a group of Havalinas. For some, this isn't that big of a deal. For me, its major!
My post will specifically discuss my experience with the Havalinas as of last night.
It was around 7pm on a Sunday evening and I was walking back from our Clubhouse in our apartment complex.
It was dark outside and the path I walk on isn't very bright (to be honest nothing in Tucson is very bright. They avoid whats called "light pollution". So everything is kept fairly dim). I was listening to my headphones and not really paying attention when all the sudden I am face to face with a Havalina... not a little one either. So I back up a few steps and try to bypass this ugly pig when to my left I see a second one! (CRAP!) They both immediately go into strike mode and I can hear them starting to grunt/whine/yelp/moan or whatever it is they do. Feeling a little panicky, I back track my steps to original position when I see a THIRD pig to my right. (HOLY #$!&)
I begin walking backwards at this point. Grabbing a hold of my trusty cell, I call my husband.... TWICE! Not answering. I call my mother for final words... NOT ANSWERING. I have given up to dying alone at the mouths of these wild pigs.
Then my mind starts working up for my emergency exit routes. I could try running through one of the two pigs or I could hide behind the pillar I am already hiding behind, OR I can try maneuvering over to the set of stairs that lead up to a family who we know and hide out by their door til they leave. As my mind is going through possible plans, I notice the group is now coming towards me. Eyes still on me... hair still standing up!
I realize I needed to act quick! I immediately turn around and walk briskly back the way I came.
As soon as I saw the break in the building and fence I RUN FOR IT!!! I run all the way back to our apartment and rush inside.
I am hoping to find my husband doing something that justifies not answering his phone while his wife was potentially getting attacked by wild animals. Nope, he was just consumed by the never ending pass time of ESPN! SERIOUSLY!!!!!
So I not so patiently say, "John! I was about to be attacked and you didn't answer your phone!" Confusion clouds his face so I begin to explain the last few terrifying minutes.
What do you think his response was??? Oh if you thought it was any sort of sympathy, asking if I was OK, or even go out and check the area.... ha your thinking of your husband. Not mine!
He starts laughing at me!!! Yes ladies... laughing!
A look on my face probably tells him that laughing is not the best way to handle this situation so he gives a few last attempts of asking about my mental status and if there was ever a death caused by Havalinas (I am sure there is!!).
I am about to let this all past by when I start to wonder something...
"John, how long would I have to be missing before you would think to come looking for me?" I ask, his response
"I don't know, three hours maybe."
Words are not able to form!
"Three HOURS! John we live in TUCSON! I would be killed, stuffed, and over the Mexican border in three hours."
I hope you all had a great Sunday!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Times!!

Last weekend I met my parents up in Phoenix! We joined up with my sister Rebekah who lives there with her family. We were able to go to the Mesa temple before it closed for the next 6 weeks. It was such a great occasion. I love going to the temple but its even better having family there with you. Made me think what a great experience it will be when ALL my family can be there together!
We also had the special oppritunity to take my sweet soon-to-be-a-teen neice to the mall to get her some makeup for her 13th birthday. Cant believe she is going to be a teenager and am so proud of what a good girl she is. Haley is such a great daughter and sister! I just love her!!

After the mall I returned to Tucson and my parent followed the Sunday morning just in time to hear me speak in our ward for our first time. YAY! :)
We had a great time for the rest of their stay. Lots of things to see and places to eat. We loved having them for the weekend and cant wait to be back in Vegas for Thanksgiving!!
Here are some other pictures from my trip to Phoenix. Just playing around with my nephews and neice before bedtime!